
Tuesday, 27 November 2012

I Owe It All to Freecell

On November 28th 2011, I published my debut novel, Conquering Passion

I have mentioned before that I did not know what to expect, but thought I would be pleased as punch if I sold 100 copies in a year.

One year later I have published 12 books on Amazon and have sold more than 16000 books. Writing and publishing have become an obsession, and Amazon makes it so easy to feed my addiction, especially when they send me generous checks! I certainly never expected to make any money for at least a year. What did I know!

However, I have to come clean and confess that I owe much of my success to FREECELL!

Yes, my name is Anna Markland and I am a Freecellaholic! Plus a SpiderSolitaireaholic!
I used to feel guilty about the amount of time I spend playing these online card games. But I have come to realize that a pattern in my playing has emerged. I turn to Freecell or Spider Solitaire when I have reached a block in the writing process.
Lo and behold, after letting my impasse simmer in the back of my mind while playing, a solution invariably presents itself.

One would think my success level in these games would have increased, but alas, such is not the case!
So I now embark on year two of my writing journey guilt free and buoyed by my success so far. I have even started to throw in the occasional game of Minesweeper!


  1. LOL -- congrats on your one-year anniversary! I just celebrated mine last week. I haven't played Minesweeper for a long time, mainly because I can get addicted to it -- but now that I know it's a cure for writer's block, I can't wait to get going again!

    Congrats again on your success. :)


    1. Minesweeper is highly addictive, and can be very frustrating! Take care! Thanks for the congrats.

  2. Congrats on the successful year and happy anniversary! Here's what I want to did you write 12 books in one year? Holy moly! That's incredible!

    1. I'm not sure either, Renee! It's as though I just can't stop! I also have a supportive husband who does not object to the enormous amount of time I spend writing.

    2. Wow, you are super woman! Kudos to you for writing that many in a year. I am impressed!

    3. It's hard for me to believe! Thanks for the good wishes.

  3. Ann
    Congratulations. It's so great to hear a good writer reach success.
    I love your post. So real, so humble, so you.
    Best Wishes from the damp north

    1. Thanks Jo-Ann. Appreciate your comments. Stay dry!

  4. Happy anniversary. I use card games too but they haven't helped me build such a backlist! Big congrats on that. :)

    1. Thanks for your congrats, Rose. It's been an exhilarating journey.

  5. Congratulations on your anniversary. I have not heard of Freecell. I do Mah jongg solitare when I'm stuck. lol

    1. You realize you are tempting me with another game I have not heard of!
      Thanks for your comment and the good wishes.

  6. Too funny.

    I've never figured out Minesweeper. Though, I do like the other games, on occasion.

    Congrats on your success.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post. Don't let Minesweeper draw you in! Thanks for the good wishes.

  7. Congratulations on your publishing success, Anna! You are an inspiration!!

  8. Anna - I am SO happy to hear that Freecell works for you. I too felt guilty playing it. And Spider Solitaire. But I do remember Nora Roberts saying something about Spider Solitaire so I had to look it up. We REALLY do need that simmering time.
    Congrats on your success!

  9. Good to know, Suzanne. Thanks for the congrats.

  10. LOL Glad to be of help!
    Thanks for the good wishes.
