
Sunday, 11 March 2012

I'll Need the Luck of the Irish This Week

I am looking forward this week to participating in a special FREE promotion of one of my stories. From March 14th to 18th, Passion in the Blood will be available FREE from Amazon. I've been very pleased with readers' response to my latest release. It has already earned five excellent reviews on Amazon. Here's the link Passion in the Blood.

Dozens of ebooks in all kinds of genres will be available free during this promotion. Click on the badge below to go to the Free Par-Tay website for a complete list.

This week I'll also be involved in the St. Patrick's Day Blog Hop. Lots of prizes available to be won, so watch for the post on March 16th. Click on the icon to the right for more details.

And I'll be submitting my first post to the new collaborative blog, History Ink, on March 14th. Today on History Ink, Abby MacInnis is the featured author. Her latest release is His Fifth Avenue Thief. Please pop over to visit with Abbey.

I'll need the luck of the Irish to keep myself organized this week! Almost forgot. March 17th is the deadline for entering to win a signed copy of A Man of Value on Goodreads.


  1. So much going on..I hope everything goes well...Congrats on the book..

  2. Thanks Savannah. Fingers crossed.
